Oh, man. It doesn’t get any better than this. Honest:

I love that Superboy’s response to a flock of super-beings migrating through space like so many Canadian geese headed Florida-ward is “Holy mackeral!” Ah, innocent youth! Gee, Superboy, where are they going?
(Spoiler alert: They’re headed to Superboy Planet, which isn’t as nice as it sounds — it’s a world designed to lure Superboy in…and then imprison him forever in a kryptonite cage! Sheesh!)
This is, by the way, the second appearance of the Legion of Super-Heroes, my favorite super-hero team. In their first appearance, they played a prank on Superboy as a hazing ritual, making him think he was useless and ineffective before admitting him to the Legion. In this appearance, they lock him up on Superboy Planet and nearly kill him. Oops. The Legion was sort of dicks back then.
(From Adventure Comics #267, December 1959 [reprinted in Adventure Comics #491, Sept. 1982]. Story by Unknown. Art by George Papp.)