I’m really excited to show y’all the final cover to I Hunt Killers. I was trying to figure out what to write here, but hey — why not just show the damn thing and let it speak for itself?
Here’s the front (click for a bigger version):
And here’s the back (again, click for a bigger version), complete with embarrassingly complimentary blurbs from people who are far too kind:
And, in case you’re interested, here’s what the whole magilla looks like — front, back, spine, and flaps:
Isn’t it just amazing? I am so in love with this cover. The folks at Little, Brown really outdid themselves here.
Some of you may be wondering: “Well, this cover is really cool, but whatever happened to that other very cool cover, the white one with all the blood spatter on it?” I’m happy to announce that that is also the cover to I Hunt Killers! That image is actually what’s called the “case cover.” In other words, it’s what you see when you remove the dust jacket. So, the book gets two incredible covers!