And Valerie Plame. And Joe Hill. And Douglas Preston. And Nora Roberts. And…
What am I going on about? Well, the fine folks at Murder by the Book (a most excellent crime and mystery bookstore in Texas) have decided to support the group Authors United, which has taken a public stance against Amazon’s recent behavior. The group includes authors directly effected (like yours truly), but also authors from publishers who are not impacted by Amazon’s decisions (like Mr. King).
Murder by the Book is showing its support by discounting our books by 30%, including preorders! So even though Amazon has stopped taking preorders on my books and is no longer discounting them, you can still order in advance and get discounts thanks to Murder by the Book.
Here’s their page explaining what they’re doing and why.
Here’s the page to order my books.
And here’s the preorder page for Blood of My Blood.
Make sure you use the promo code “AuthorsUnited” when you place your order! And BTW: The sale is only for print books, not ebooks!
Thanks, Murder by the Book!