I’m going to put in a link to more information at the end of this…but I really, really advise you not to click on it. Because Albert Fish was one twisted mf-er, OK? For real.

This guy ate children.

More than that — he wrote to the parents and described exactly how he cooked them. In one instance, that involved bacon slices cooked on a dead child’s buttocks. Like, really — this guy is beyond disturbed, right?

Fish was absolutely fascinated by pain and the
limits of the human body. He did not reserve this fascination for his victims, either. He was known to inflict pain on himself, and when he was finally captured and X-rayed, it was discovered that there were 29 needles embedded in his perineum. Why? Just to experience it.

It’s not typical for serial killers to abuse themselves in such a manner, but Fish was no ordinary monster.

Fish was executed in the electric chair in 1936. Good riddance.

Here’s that link. Again, don’t click it.

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