I really, really enjoyed this book…

Paul Kupperberg is a comic book writer responsible for a lot of stuff I loved as a kid. He wrote Superboy, Supergirl, and Superman (the Kryptonian trifecta!) as well as the seminal Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes mini-series, the World of Krypton mini-series, and so on. (Don’t let me blather on — just check out his bibliography.)Anyway, Paul has taken it upon himself to chronicle the Bronze Age of Comics via a series of interview books with the creators of the time. His latest is Direct Creativity: The Creators Who Inspired the Creators, a volume in which he interviews influential comic book creators about what influenced them in the first place.

Paul’s a relaxed, garrulous interviewer and has no difficulty getting luminaries such as Mark Millar, Mark Waid, Gerry Conway, Tom King, and more to open up and discuss their work and careers with frank honesty. If you’re at all interested in comics or the creative urge/endeavor, check it out. You can buy a copy here.

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