UPDATE: The contest is over! Thanks to everyone who entered! These are some WONDERFUL entries! I’ll announce the winners in a week!
Whether you’re a superheroic do-gooder or a villainous arch-nemesis, I say you deserve a free book. Because I’m just that kinda guy.
So, if you want a signed one of these…

…then all you need to do is comment below, telling me what your superhero (or supervillain!) name would be. If you want to tell me your secret origin, your super-powers, and describe your costume while you’re at it, then heck — go for it! The judge (i.e., me!) is impressed by initiative, goofiness, and a fun turn of phrase.
I will pick twenty winners, all of whom will receive a signed paperback edition of Archvillain, the first book in the series of adventures of Kyle Camden, super-powered prankster and possible savior (or destroyer) of the world.
Better yet: Those twenty winners will also be entered into a drawing to receive one of five advance copies of Archvillain Book 2: The Mad Mask when it becomes available later this fall!
The contest runs through July 15, so — as Kyle would say — put on your plasma-powered brainwave-enhancement chapeaux (that would be “thinking caps” to the rest of us…) and start typing!
(The contest is over. To see the original entries from the old barrylyga.com, click here.)