WiRL-header-bigYou’d think writing a bunch of words and raising a teeny, tiny daughter who looks like Tintin and traveling around to talk about my books and playing Xbox and occasionally seeing friends would be enough for me.

You’d think that.

You’d be wrong.

Because, yes, now I have a podcast, too.

It’s called “Writing in Real Life” (WiRL!) and my co-host is my wife, Morgan Baden, who — in addition to having performed the admirable task of delivering Lygaspawn into this plane of existence — also happens to be a bestselling ghostwriter and a publishing communications executive.

We’ll be talking about writing, parenthood, marriage, and publishing, both individually and as intersecting aspects of our lives.

Check out the show. Subscribe in your favorite podcast client or in iTunes (or both!). Give it a listen and be sure to hit us up with email or on Twitter. Tell us what you’d like to hear us talk about! We can’t wait to hear from you!