And I thought Billy Dent had a high kill-count…

Meet Harold Shipman, British doctor and serial killer with about twice the kills of Billy’s 123! Overachiever much, Harold?

Shipman was a medical doctor and thus a rare example of a male “Angel of Mercy.” Angel of Mercy serial killers are typically women in the medical field (usually nurses) who kill their patients with medication to make it look like natural causes. Male serial killers tend to be more stereotypically violent.

But Shipman killed his victims via lethal injections. And he wasn’t always smart about it because he killed a bunch of people who were in fairly good health, where you couldn’t just write it off as the old or infirm passing away from natural causes.

Shipman was eventually discovered (when he apparently doctored a victim’s will to inherit — dumb move!) and sentenced to life in prison. He decided to save the taxpayers of England some coin and — as the kids say — unalived himself in 2004.

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