So, I love me some Warren Zevon. Thus, every Wednesday on the BLog will now feature the Wednesday Warren! Nothing fancy — just a little blip from his work and an exhortation for you to try him out if you haven’t already. Here’s some lyrics from the song “Genius”:

There’s a face in every window in the songwriters’ neighborhood
Everybody’s your best friend when you’re doing well…I mean “good”
The poet who lived next door when you were young and poor
Grew up to be a backstabbing entrepreneur

And here’s Warren performing “Genius” on The Late Show with David Letterman in 2002. If you’re interested, you can find the song on the album My Ride is Here, which is chock-a-block with, well, genius. (The audio is somewhat out of sync with the video, but just close your eyes and listen.)

iTunes album link: